It has been a tumultuous few days for one of YouTube's biggest and most influential figures, Linus Gabriel Sebastian and his video empire Linus Media Group. The Canadian company, with more than 27 million subscribers, found itself in a major controversy after Gamers Nexus published a long and in-depth video exposing LTT and their workflows as often (unfortunately) filled with factual errors.
Linus's normally very happy and positive fans became extra upset when it came to a situation with a start-up and their best and really only viable prototype at the time, which LTT completely distorted and later also tried to auction off. This despite the fact that the company in question requested to have it sent back to them. Linus, for his part, chose to respond to the criticism in a forum post.
In the wake of this, other, far more serious allegations of sexual harassment have also been brought into the limelight by a former employee who talked about her experiences. But also highlighted the unreasonable workload and pace expected of her. To the surprise (and delight) of many, Linus Media Group has now responded seriously to the criticism with a 20-minute video where, in addition to Linus himself, we hear several of the company's key people speak. Including their newly appointed director.
As a result, LTT will now pause all recording and production for a week to focus on problem solving and a sustainable, reasonable model for the future. Linus himself has also commented on the clip and said the following:
"We've heard the feedback from our community and from our team internally and monetization has been turned off for this video. Update 1: It's come to my attention that in Billet Labs' Reddit post, they censored the quoted cost of their prototype water block. We were never asked to keep this information private."
"And given that our sources for the matter were our own correspondence with them rather than Reddit, we didn't know to include the censorship. At this point, there's probably not much point Streisand Effecting it, but I'll blur it anyway on YouTube and we'll get it blurred on Floatplane as soon as one of our editors is awake -LS"
Are you following the LTT and what are your thoughts on the situation?