Despite being an absolutely massive theatrical franchise in the late 2000s and early 2010s, The Twilight Saga missed the expansive merchandising boat that a lot of blockbusters receive today. This means that despite the heights it reached, the adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's vampire novels were never brickified. Until now.
Lego has revealed a new set that is designed to resemble The Cullen House from The Twilight Saga. It's a replica of the modern-looking home that spans 2001-pieces and has a bunch of nods to iconic features, be it Bella Swan's red truck, a grand piano in the living room, and even a tree so that Edward Cullen and Bella can get up to treetop tricks.
Speaking about characters, the set comes with seven minifigures, including Bella and Edward (who has a sparkling skin effect), but also Jacob Black (who also has a wolf form), and Carlisle Cullen, Alice Cullen, Rosalie Cullen, and Bella's dad Charlie.
The set is intended to retail for €219.99/£189.99/$219.99 and will be selling from February 4.