Dota 2

Latest Dota 2 update changes up the map layout

And that's a pretty big deal, actually.

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Though Valve's Dota 2 has been updated, changed, tweaked and expanded many times during the game's lifespan, one thing that has remained constant is the layout of the game's map. However, the latest update, titled Rekindling Soul, makes several changes to the map layout.

On paper, the changes are small, but they are almost sure to have a noticeable impact. Most of them of them revolve around the placement of Roshan, a powerful neutral mob that spawns regularly and provides a team with massive benefits if they defeat him. He's been moved slighty, the entrance to his lair has been changed, and the pathways near him adjusted.

The update also brings several tweaks to characters and game balance, adds new vanity items, and other cosmetic changes. Head over to Dota2.com for all the details.

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Roshan in his new hangout.
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