WRC 8 was at the show floor during E3 2019 in Los Angeles, and when we paid a visit to Kylotonn's racing title we also got to talk with game director Alain Jarniou about what's new this time around, including more features which should appeal to fans of simulation.
"That's one of the aspects of the game that we meant to focus on for this version of WRC," he explained. "It was the physics and the way, the philosophy we have on the physics of the cars, so we worked on every mechanic and system that are in a car, but also on the side we worked also on the dynamics of the tires. I mean, you set up a car technically, and you also have a parameter that comes from the tires like in reality, so it means when we have your set up car, then you change tires, the behaviour of your car will change. This is how it is in reality, and this is something that will also be important in your career mode, which is also a big focus that we put on this version."
"We want to push the realism of the game, so physics of the car is very important, and also the behaviour of the environment, because that is how you live the rally experience - you are outside, on open roads, and the weather can change at any moment [...] the weather can change dynamically in one stage."
For more on WRC 8 check out the full interview below as well as our E3 gameplay. Do you approve of these changes?