Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Featured: E3 2021 Coverage

Kingdom Come: Deliverance is coming to Nintendo Switch

A whole bunch of Koch Media legacy studios are joining its Prime Matter label, including Czech developer Warhorse Studios.

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Recently Koch Media hosted a press event detailing a whole bunch of information about its new publishing label Prime Matter. The event shared information from a list of brand-spanking titles, as well as providing an update on a few previously announced games that will be coming down the line, but it also took a minute to touch on how Prime Matter will affect Koch Media legacy studios.

A number of studios that were previously represented by Koch Media will be joining the Prime Matter label, and to celebrate that fact, a few more reveals and teases were provided.

Among the most exciting was a Nintendo Switch announcement for Kingdom Come: Deliverance. This has been rumoured and shut down in the past, but it looks like Warhorse is finally making the leap to the portable platform.

On top of this, it was also revealed that; Phoenix Point would finally be coming to consoles; Iron Harvest will be getting a new-gen (Xbox Series/PS5) release; Outward will be getting a definitive edition; Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord would be coming to consoles; and there was also a mention about Wasteland 3 DLCs - one of which launched a few days ago.

Not a lot was touched on about these reveals, so we don't have too much information to divulge on these announcements. We'll just have to stay tuned until Prime Matter can provide further information.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

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Kingdom Come: DeliveranceScore

Kingdom Come: Deliverance

REVIEW. Written by Mike Holmes

"Despite some frustrations, upon reflection, there's a lot to like about this medieval adventure."

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