Kim Kardashian: Hollywood

Kim Kardashian is making millions on her video game

"Sorry I'm late to the party guys, I was busy cashing my 80 million video game check".

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Recently we received information that Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, the mobile game based on the celebrity, had made more than $200 million in just one year, all through micro-transactions. Now, Kim Kardashian decided to mark this feat in her Twitter account:

"Sorry I'm late to the party guys I was busy cashing my 80 million video game check & transferring 53 million into our joint account."

Of course, the 53 million comment is to do with her husband Kanye West's personal debt that was recently made public.

While Kim Kardashian: Hollywood can be downloaded for free, players can only buy accessories such as clothing, jets and cars to their character by spending real money. Well, if players from around the world keep spending real money in virtual itens, Kim Kardashian will probably be able to continue affording them in real life.

Kim Kardashian: Hollywood

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