Killer Instinct

Killer Instinct is getting an Anniversary Edition

And it's a free upgrade for owners of Killer Instinct: Definitive Edition.

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Today marked the ten year anniversary for Xbox One, and also the games that was released alongside the console on day one. One of these titles was Killer Instinct, that managed to get quite the audience and was even a game to compete in during the 2015 Evolution Championship Series.

Iron Galaxy Studios celebrated the tenth anniversary with a Twitch stream, in which they presented Killer Instinct: Anniversary Edition, which was announced back in August. It includes all the 29 released fighters alongside plenty of extras (XP boosters, cosmetics and more). To make things even better, this new version is free for everyone who owns Killer Instinct: Definitive Edition (which is currently heavily discounted and will be yours for €13.19 / £11.05). Steam is also getting a free-to-play version of Killer Instinct, something that hopefully will increase the player base.

Time to return to killer Instinct perhaps?

Killer Instinct

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Killer InstinctScore

Killer Instinct

REVIEW. Written by Mike Holmes

"Killer Instinct is a technically complicated fighter, and it's deep despite the shallow pool of characters."

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