Jurassic World: Rebirth

Jurassic World Rebirth's first trailer releases on Wednesday, first look at a new dinosaur

Gareth Edwards's Jurassic World reboot will release on July 2.

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Jurassic World: Rebirth's trailer will be released this week, on Wednesday. It is Super Bowl week, after all, when movie companies always show TV spots for the big summer releases during halftime. However, as anticipated, the trailer will release earlier online. Disney will also release the first Fantastic Four trailer tomorrow.

As usual, Universal has dropped a small "teaser-teaser", showing the film's protagonists, Scarlett Johansson and Jonathan Bailey, and the tail of an unknown species. It reminds us of the scene in The Lost World where velociraptors hide in the tall grass, and you only saw the tails. But this tail is much longer than those of the usual Jurassic Park raptors...

Gareth Edwards will direct this "reboot" of the Jurassic Park/World franchise, which will apparently lean back into horror, with a reduced cast of characters (none returning) and set mostly in one location, the last stronghold of the few remaining living dinosaurs.

A plot that contradicts the ending of Jurassic World Dominion in 2022, but, whatever... If it manages to reinvigorate the franchise with a fresh new take, we'll gladly take it. Jurassic World Rebirth will release on July 2.

Jurassic World: Rebirth

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