Film director and actor Josef Fares made his debut as a game designer with the brilliant Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons and the entertaining co-op experience A Way Out. Despite this, we assume most gamers know him as the "Fuck the Oscars" guy from The Game Awards back in 2017.
Fares makes great games, and fortunately, it seems like we'll get more of that sooner rather than later if Jeff Grubb of VentureBeat fame is to be believed. This is the reply he posted to a guy who was tweeting about Fares:
"Well, get ready for more of it soon."
By this, he could, of course, be hinting at a reveal to be made during the next generations reveals of either the PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series X, which are expected to happen next month - but more likely it would be happening during EA Play on June 11. It's also worth mentioning that Fares said in an interview last year that it won't be an A Way out sequel:
"What I can say is it's not A Way Out 2. But if you look at Brothers, A Way Out, and the next game, you will see it's the same studio that makes the game. But it will be something completely, totally different and it will be way more focused on trying to make the mechanics a part of the game, but it's going to be something with a story that will remind of Brothers and A Way Out but in a very different way."
Something to look forward to, isn't it?