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      Jojo's Bizarre Adventure HD

      JoJo's Bizarre Adventure HD removed from EU PSN and Xbox Live

      The game has been disappeared from European digital stores.

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      As reported by some users on NeoGAF, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure HD - Capcom's manga-based 2D fighter JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - has been removed from the Xbox Live Marketplace and European PlayStation Network.

      "I can confirm that online play is not affected for existing owners," as a Capcom representative, questioned on Xbox 360 version, told Joystiq earlier today, but he didn't confirm if the game will be come back on the marketplace. It might depend on expired licensing agreements and other rights-related issues, as it happened to other franchises in the past, like TMNT: Turtles in Time Re-Shelled and BurgerTime World Tour. Currently Bandai Namco holds the license to produce games based on JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

      Jojo's Bizarre Adventure HD

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