My Friend Pedro

John Wick creator wants to turn My Friend Pedro into a TV show

The man behind the brutal action series John Wick wants to take My Friend Pedro and Bendy and the Ink Machine to the small screen.

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Screenwriter Derek Kolstad, who is best known as the creator of the smash-hit action series John Wick, recently spoke about franchises he's pitching to bring to the small screen and after having John Wick receiving the video game adaptation treatment, it makes sense for Kolstad to pick his subject out of the video game medium. In a recent interview with comicbook.com, Kolstad dropped the titles of two video games that he wants to make TV shows out of;

"I'm going out with a pitch for a television series based on the My Friend Pedro video game, as well as for Bendy and the Ink Machine. I am playing any... It's funny, the reason I'm answering it this way, literally, I have these Post-It notes on my computer of, 'This is what I'm working on today". The latter mentioned game is most certainly a less expected choice but a very intriguing one indeed.

Can you imagine a TV show based on My Friend Pedro with the DNA of John Wick? We sure can.

My Friend Pedro

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My Friend PedroScore

My Friend Pedro

REVIEW. Written by David Caballero

"The game peaks when you start dealing with shotguns and the metallic elements, allowing for some delicious bullet rebounds."

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