Similar to Ryan Gosling's performance as Ken in Barbie, Jack Black stole the show in his supporting role as Bowser in The Super Mario Bros. Movie. He made the film for many, helping push it to earn over 1 billion dollars at the global box office.
In a recent interview with Total Film (via GamesRadar), Black spoke about his experience voicing Bowser and how he knew they had a hit on their hands from the first time he saw the movie. "They screened it for me a month before it hit theaters. I was like, 'We've got a hit on our hands.' I'm laughing and smiling the whole way through this movie," he said.
"And then it came out and it got horrible reviews. I was like, 'What movie did they see?' Luckily, the world didn't listen to Rotten Tomatoes, and it was one of the biggest hits of all time."
The Super Mario Bros. Movie has a 59% rating on Rotten Tomatoes right now, which isn't the worst score in the world but it signifies that around half of all critics left a negative review. As Black says, though, that doesn't seem to have mattered, as audiences adored the movie.