Gotham Knights

Is Gotham Knights coming to the Switch?

The game has been rated for the platform.

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It looks like Nintendo Switch owners who have been raring to get a chance to play Gotham Knights may just be in for a chance to do just that. The title has been rated by the ESRB for the platform, begging the question as to when an announcement will arrive to confirm the additional platform for the game.

The rating gives an overview of Gotham Knights, which you can also learn more about in our review from last year. The big question about this version of the game will be its performance and how it runs, as one of the biggest talking points surrounding Gotham Knights when it originally debuted was its inability to play at 60 fps on console, on top of a few other issues plaguing the gameplay experience. With the Switch being significantly less powerful than the PS5 and the Xbox Series X/S family, we'll have to see how the game performs on the system.

Gotham Knights

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Gotham Knights

REVIEW. Written by Jonas Mäki

Batman is dead and Gotham City gangsters are celebrating. They shouldn't have, because four young proteges are ready to finish what old Bruce Wayne started.

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