
Instead of layoffs, Nvidia announces company-wide pay raises

Nvidia is taking a different approach in dealing with its employees during the coronavirus pandemic.

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The coronavirus pandemic has put almost everything on hold, since a large portion of the population is now stuck at home, either working remotely or just trying to stay afloat until life starts back up as normal. But not all businesses have suffered because of the pandemic. In fact, Nvidia has announced company-wide raises and no layoffs during this pandemic.

According to Extreme Tech, the CEO of Nvidia, Jensen Huang, has sent an email stating that no layoffs or paycuts are done because of corona virus. You can read the email in full right here.

"Immediately I received questions about whether we are also planning a layoff. NO — precisely the opposite. We are accelerating your raise to put some extra money in your hands. we can put tens of millions more dollars in the hands of our families in the coming months."

Instead of layoffs, Nvidia announces company-wide pay raises

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