Infamous: Second Son

Infamous First Light DLC dated for August

Play as Fetch come the end of the month.

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Revealed at Sony's E3 press conference this year was the fact that Suckerpunch were continuing to work on Infamous: Second Son in the form of a follow up story-drive piece of DLC entitled First Light.

The download, which will focus on, and let you play as, side character Abigail 'Fetch' Walker, has finally been given a date (as well as some lovely artwork): August 27th. You don't need a copy of the main game to play the expansion either.

Infamous: Second Son

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Infamous: Second SonScore

Infamous: Second Son

REVIEW. Written by Jonas Mäki

"Sure, it would have been better with more varied missions, but ultimately Infamous: Second Son lives up to and surpasses its predecessors."

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