
In retro survival horror Recurrence "you only have 25 minutes to survive"

Its references are clear, but the indie project offers an interesting new vision for players.

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Recurrence is a new indie proposal for the survival horror video game market. The retro title seeks a combination between the aesthetics of those PlayStation 1 or PlayStation 2 games that we still remember nostalgically, with more modern elements such as the over-the-shoulder camera and first-person shooting. At the BIG Conference in Bilbao we were able to talk to Shaya Shan, the artist behind this title, who gave us some insight into how they approached this project.

"Our main references are Signalis, Silent Hill and Outer Wilds for the time loop of the game. The main element is a loop that lasts 25 minutes and once it's over, you start the game again but with all that information. So it's easier to defeat certain enemies and solve puzzles. It's not a game that's looking for jumpscares, but to generate tension".

Also, there is a small group working on the project and we wanted to know how they are managing their resources.

"Basically, we are a group of three artists and two programmers. We are three months into the development of the title, we have three more months to finish it, maybe in June, so we have about six months of development and three months to polish it. We are looking for a publisher and we've already had some interviews."

You can check out the full interview (fully subtitled in your local language) if you've been left wanting to know more about Recurrence and its development.


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