
Iman Vellani has been assured that Ms Marvel will return

Although when and where remains to be seen.

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Iman Vellani was more or less unknown before she landed the role of Kamala Khan in Marvel's TV series Ms. Marvel on Disney+ and later played a major role in The Marvels. However, Captain Marvel's second film was anything but successful as it did not manage to generate as much money as hoped for and was met with a very lukewarm response from critics and moviegoers.

On the other hand, many people praised Vellani's portrayal of Ms. Marvel and therefore, of course, Marvel has no plans to get rid of her. In an interview with Polygon, the actress says she has been assured that she will play the character in the MCU again.

"I have been assured. So that feels good, but there was no more assurance than that. They give me breadcrumbs, and I try and make a meal out of it."

Iman Vellani has been assured that Ms Marvel will return

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