Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs

Humble In-DIE Bundle includes Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs

Pay as much or as little as you want for a juicy pack of well reviewed games such as Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet, Tower of Guns, Jazzpunk, OlliOlli and Amnesia's sequel.

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Latest Humbe Bundle "Pay What You Want" promotion is on with the little Halloween touch being the 13 number on a tombstone and the In-Die title, but it's not completely dedicated to horror titles.

Basic offer consists on Steam DRM-free versions of OlliOlli, Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet and Tower of Guns, but if you decide to pay more than the average (currently $6.64), you'll also get to download at least other three titles, including the scary Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs (being the only horror offer so far) and the unique Jazzpunk (click for each one's review), along with 4 copies of Risk of Rain ("One for you, three to share"). Besides, Humble Bundle is promising that even "more games are coming soon"to this very bundle, and whoever pays more than $12 gets last year's Shadowrun Returns as well. More titles will be added as the the campaign ramps up.

As always, you can assign part of your payment to charity and select your computer platform of choice (Windows, Mac, Linux). Click here to get the details and/or the games.

Oh, and without even buying anything you can get a copy of Teleglitch: Die More Edition by submitting your e-mail address.

Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs
Amnesia: A Machine for PigsAmnesia: A Machine for Pigs
Amnesia: A Machine of Pigs is the only true horror experience in this "in-DIE" bundle.

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Amnesia: A Machine for PigsScore

Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs

REVIEW. Written by Jon Newcombe

"While sneaking, hiding, running away and solving environmental puzzles isn't everyone's idea of fun, players looking for a nail-biting horror experience could do worse."

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