Hood: Outlaws & Legends

Hood: Outlaws and Legends revealed for PS5

Sumo Digital and Focus Home Interactive are teaming up for the new medieval heist 'em up, which is also heading to PC and Xbox platforms.

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One of the few surprises to come out of State of Play tonight was the reveal of Hood: Outlaws and Legends, a new game from Sumo Digital and Focus Home Interactive that looks like it's going to bring multiplayer thievery to PlayStation 5 at some point in 2021.

We didn't get to see any meaningful gameplay and the trailer we watched was all about setting the scene and giving us some flavour, but an entry over on the PS Blog had a lot more info, with game director Andrew Willans ready to spill the beans.

Apparently Hood blends combat, stealth, and strategy with teams of outlaws going up against the system (or 'The State' as they're calling it) and then each other as they seek to horde big piles of gold (presumably to share with the poor as per the legend). Two teams of four will compete in the Robin Hood inspired title, and different characters will offer contrasting in-game benefits, all set in Sumo's take on Dark Ages Britain.

The game is also confirmed for PS4, although that version won't take advantage of the haptic feedback in the DualSense, which we're told will be the case on PS5. More details are set to land later in the year.

Update: Hood is heading to PS5 and PS4 as described above, but it's also heading to PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

Hood: Outlaws & Legends

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