Hideo Kojima, the Japanese producer who created a little known series called Metal Gear Solid and who recently left Konami, spent the last few weeks touring several European video game studios with Mark Cerny, the PS4 lead architect. Hideo Kojima, who is working on a new game for Sony, took the opportunity to visit studios such as Sony's London Studios and Quantic Dream in Paris.
Now, at the end of his trip, Kojima decided to share some messages voa his Twitter account, giving an insight into his current state of mind. According to the man himself the following words of Arthur C. Clark sums up his feelings perfectly: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
The producer took that phrase and applied it to video games, but warned that having the technology to create "magic" is not enough. People that are able to manoeuvre around this technology, and a studio with a proper view of what it takes to utilise it properly, as well as their employees, and the environment that they work in, are also necessary.
Kojima finished the messages by sharing that he is more motivated than ever to form his new studio, Kojima Productions, and to accept the challenge of creating "new magic". It is a new beginning for the producer, but according to him, it's not entirely from scratch:
"I got fans supporting me, friends who share my dream with, all over in this world. So it's not starting from scratch. I continue creating the cutting edge game that I've been doing for 30 years, as always done."
You can read everything he wrote over on his official Twitter account.