Hello Neighbor

Hello Neighbor sells 500,000 copies

That's a lot of moustaches.

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Dynamic Pixel's Hello Neighbour was quite an iterative game, going through various stages and getting more and more content as it was updated in early access, but last December we finally received the full game, which we now know has managed to sell over 500,000 copies.

That means over half a million players have tried to sneak into the Neighbour's house, been caught (no doubt), and perhaps even found out the secrets he is hiding. If that sounds appealing, check out our review before you buy the game.

Have you been one of those players snooping around the Neighbour's house?

Hello Neighbor

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Hello NeighborScore

Hello Neighbor

REVIEW. Written by Sam Bishop

"In some ways Hello Neighbor's presence in the public eye as an early access game has been its downfall."

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