Last year's Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice on PS4 gathered accolades and praise for its approach to mental health issues, and you can read our review to hear more on what Ninja Theory did so right with this game. Well, the game has now been released on Xbox One too, but that's not the end of the good news, as the developer has taken to Twitter to announce the following:
"If we hit 50,000 week 1 sales by April 18th, we can donate $25K to Mental Health America @MentalHealthAm ! If we hit 100,000 we can donate $50K! Spread the word! We can do it!!"
This isn't the first time that Ninja Theory has done an incentive like this, as on Mental Health Day last year they also donated proceeds to charity, which is fitting considering their touching and sensitive portrayal of very real mental health issues within Senua's journey.
Does this make you more inclined to pick the game up on Xbox One?