Guardians of Middle-Earth

Guardians of Middle-Earth trailer

Two new characters revealed.

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Two new characters have been announced for Monolith's impending action-RPG Guardians of Middle-Earth. Beregond and Felgrom have been revealed as the latest playable characters for the Lord of the Rings themed MOBA title heading consoles on December 4.

Beregond is formidable warrior of Gondor and a tough damage dealer, whilst Felgrom is deranged goblin with a penchant for scorching things. Here's a new trailer showing off the new characters in action.


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Guardians of Middle-Earth

Guardians of Middle-Earth

PREVIEW. Written by Rasmus Lund-Hansen

"It looks nothing like a quick cash-in on a trend by sticking a well-known license on top, but a well crafted and well thought out take on the genre."

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