You see, we're in danger of being walled into our UK office, no chance of escape, due to a great danger: a steadily growing mountain of review codes, merchandise and gaming t-shirts.
We need to clear some space before the domain of Gamereactor UK becomes a tomb shoulder-high with electronics effects, charting the past two years since we opened our doors and took our words across digital highways.
Or to put it another way: fancy some free stuff for Christmas?
We've got a vast collection of goods that we'd like to ship to one lucky reader. A collection that includes:
A 500GB PS3 Slim* and a selection of games to play on it (including new releases such as Far Cry 3, PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, Assassin's Creed III, Little Big Planet Karting, and a handful of older titles that saw light of day over the past two years), a stack of Xbox 360 and PC games, a couple of PSP games, game soundtracks for Skyrim, Uncharted 3, Modern Warfare 3, and a USB stick with the Greatest Video Game Music Vol.2 album. *Deep breath* Hitman tie, artbook and figurine, Resident Evil 6 ear torch, Borderlands 2 Top Trumps, ten days worth of gaming T-shirts and a bundle of other goodies thrown in for good measure.
We'll be bundling the lot up and posting to one winner before Christmas Day.
Want to be in with a chance to win? Entry's simple. Just fire an email to [email protected], with the subject header of "UK Christmas Giveaway", before 9pm on December 11th. Note only readers based in the UK can enter.
We'll pick one winner at random after that, and contact them for their full address details - note if you don't reply back within 24 hours, we'll pick someone else from the metaphorical hat.
*Full disclosure: the PS3 Slim model supplied by Sony was for hardware review purposes that the company were kind enough to let us keep and use as a competition prize. So if you win, apologies in advance about the fingerprints on the console!