New Super Mario Bros. U

GRTV: Wii U Gameplay Spotlight

Mario, ZombiU and Pikmin in action.

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There were several Wii U games on display at this year's E3. Here we have off-screen gameplay footage of three of the most promising titles.

First up we've got New Super Mario Bros. U, because it wouldn't be a Nintendo console launch without the obligatory inclusion of everybody's favourite Italian plumber.


Another game that came under considerable scrutiny at this year's event was Zombi U.


And Miyamoto took to the stage during the Nintendo Press Conference to reveal details of Pikmin 3. Here's the game in action.


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New Super Mario Bros. UScore

New Super Mario Bros. U

REVIEW. Written by Martin Eiser

"Level design is superior to other games - so much so that it's easier to ignore the fact that everything strikes us as a mite too familiar."

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