Guardians of Middle-Earth

GRTV: Guardians of Middle-Earth

Bringing MOBA to consoles.

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We caught up with Jason Olander, senior designer on Guardians of Middle-Earth on the E3 showfloor to learn more about the console MOBA.

"We're all big fans of the entire genre, we're excited about a lot of potential there and bringing it to the consoles is really a sort of seed idea that we had. And as was we´re getting to explore it, we realised... bringing it to the controller for instance. It was starting to map out really, really nicely. We have four abilities, well there's four face buttons for instance. That's terrific, it's almost as if it was waiting there for us to put the game on it."


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Guardians of Middle-Earth

Guardians of Middle-Earth

PREVIEW. Written by Rasmus Lund-Hansen

"It looks nothing like a quick cash-in on a trend by sticking a well-known license on top, but a well crafted and well thought out take on the genre."

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