
GRTV: Best of PAX East - Part 1

Things we filmed in Beantown during Penny Arcade Expo (PAX East).

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We've put together a first best-of compilation of shows from PAX East in Boston a few weeks ago - there's still more great content to come (currently being edited) so expect more great stuff in the near future.

Greg Kasavin, Creative Director

Our first stop on the PAX East showfloor was the recently announced Transistor from Supergiant Games. In this interview Kasavin, talks about their vision for the new game, how it relates to Bastion, and much more. Transistor was definitely one of the highlights of PAX East.

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The Elder Scrolls Online
Nick Konkle, Lead Gameplay Designer and Combat Designer

We spent an hour or so playing The Elder Scrolls Online at PAX East - a period of time insufficient to get a real handle on the ambitious MMORPG. After finishing up our gaming in a start-up area for the Daggerfall Convenant, we caught up with Konkle who went on to detail several components of the game including PvP combat, crafting, progression and more.


Marvel Heroes
David Brevik, President and COO

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Former Blizzard North president and current Gazillion Entertainment president David Brevik was proud of his massive booth for Marvel Heroes at PAX East. We had a chat about superheroes, mechanics, and the action-RPG genre.


Rise of the Triad
Dave Oshry, Marketing Director

Interceptor Entertainment are bringing back the old school twitch shooter with their remake of Apogee's Rise of the Triad. We had a chat with marketing man Dave Oshry about the project, the nature of old school shooters and more.


Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
Jason Chayes, Production Director and Eric Dodds, Lead Designer

One of the major announcements at PAX East was the next game from Blizzard Entertainment - Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft - a digital collectible trading card game. We caught up with two members of the smallest team (Team 5) at Blizzard to discuss the nature of trading card games, how the Warcraft universe fits with the concept, and much more in this 14 minute marathon chat.


James Spafford, Community Manager

We were very surprised to see Sony owned Media Molecule with their own handcrafted (out of paper, naturally) little booth in the indie section of PAX East. Community manager James Spafford tells us why they opted to do their own thing and also details some of the features in the upcoming PS Vita exclusive Tearaway.


Final Update
Bengt Lemne and Halldór "Dóri" Halldórsson, Gamereactor/GRTV

Gamereactors representatives at PAX East summarised their experience of the show, talk about some of the highlights including Duck Tales, Deus Ex: Human Revolution Director's Cut, and indie discoveries like Luftrausers and Artemis Spaceship Bridge Commander.


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