Here's a selection of our favourite shows from GDC in San Francisco back in late March. There's more to come on GRTV (as soon as we're able to edit it), but for now here's the best of the best.
Dust 514 + EVE Online Interview
Halldór Fannar, chief technical officer
There is a lot going on at Icelandic MMO developers CCP Games as the ten year anniversary of EVE Online approaches. We caught up with Halldór Fannar in a conference room at the W Hotel during GDC for a brief overview of just what is going on with Dust 514 and EVE Online.
Killer is Dead
Suda 51, executive director
Any encounter with the mad genius game designer Goichi Suda (Suda 51) is one worth remembering. In this interview we learned more about the origins of Killer is Dead and main character Mondo Zappa as well as Suda's choice of footwear and how the new ownership of Grasshopper Manufacture is working out.
Xing: The Land Beyond Interview
Koriel Kruer, digital artist and graphic designer, James Steininger, creative lead and John Torkington, game designer and composer
We met up with Koriel Kruer, James Steininger, and John Torkington from White Lotus Interactive by chance during Game Developer's Conference. They saw us filming another interview asked us if we had time for a chat, and we sure did. Not only that, but Xing: The Land Beyond is a novel game idea that should appeal to fans of games like Myst. It's a great reminder of the number of wonderful indie finds there are out there for those who dare explore.
Fist Puncher
Matthew Lewandowski, lead developer and Jake Lewandowski, "we don't really have positions"
Brothers Matt & Jake want to fight crime by... fighting crime. Or something. Our encounter with the brothers responsible for the hilarious retro themed beat 'em up Fist Puncher featured plenty of hilarious moments. Oh, and this video was banned from appearing on Gamereactor's German edition due to the content you see right at the end of the video.
Subset Games/FTL: Faster than Light Interview
Matthew Davis, programmer and designer
Of the greatest indie success stories of 2012 - Subset Games made an appearance at the Indie Games Festival section of the GDC showfloor in San Francisco. Matthew Davis gave us some added insight into what the journey with FTL has been like and what's ahead for the indie outfit.
Rising Storm Presentation
John Gibson, president & Tony Gillham, external producer
The good folks at Tripwire Interactive may be indie, but they also had what is arguably the most professional set up for video seen at GDC. Not only were we given a well rehearsed presentation of the game, but it was captured in order for us to be able to provide you with the very same experience we got at the event. Brilliant stuff. As a bonus this video also features GRTV's Halldor Halldorsson going to town on Japanese soldiers with a flamethrower.
Ubisoft's Jade Raymond
Jade Raymond, managing director Ubisoft Toronto
We caught up with Ubisoft Toronto's Jade Raymond at Parc 55 in downtown San Francisco during GDC. The executive who rose to fame with the original Assassin's Creed explains how she has gone about setting up the new Ubisoft studio in Toronto, what they will specialise in and how they will carry on the Splinter Cell legacy with Splinter Cell: Blacklist.