
Grounded now has over 20 million tiny survivors

We expect this to grow a whole lot more when Grounded launches for PlayStation and Switch in April.

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Yesterday was the big day when something we already kind of knew about was officially announced - Grounded is coming to PlayStation and Switch. This will happen on April 16, something that hopefully will lead to millions of new microscopic survivors in your very own backyard (which a seriously dangerous place if you are really, really tiny).

And all the new players will be met by an absolutely huge community. As revealed by Obsidian Entertainment with a charming Goonies inspired image, there are now over 20 million players in Grounded. As the game has full cross-play support, there definitely won't be any shortage of shrunken kids to survive with online.


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REVIEW. Written by Jonas Mäki

We've explored a garden in the phenomenal Grounded, an adventure that gives a whole new meaning to the term "big challenges".

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