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      God of War: Ragnarök

      God of War: Ragnarök shows funny bugs in new trailer

      Making games is hard, so even this masterpiece had some absurd issues during development.

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      Believe it or not, but God of War: Ragnarök is exactly one year old today. While most publishers and developers celebrate occasions like this with accolades trailers, sales numbers and such, Santa Monica and PlayStation have decided to take a completely different approach.

      They've released a new Midgard Mishaps video, showing some absolutely hilarious and weird bugs the developers encountered while developing God of War: Ragnarök. These issues definitely change the tone of many moments, reveal that characters could have been even more helpful/chatty and that these extremely talented developer like to just have fun once in a while.

      Now we just wait to see if Eric Williams, Cory Barlog and crew officially announce the rumoured expansion as part of tonight's Q&A.

      God of War: Ragnarök

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