Gestalt: Steam & Cinder

Gestalt: Steam & Cinder sharpens its weapons and metroidvania style for 21 May launch

Metamorphosis Games brings fantasy and sci-fi together with frenetic, action-packed pixel art.

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It was great to see the indie scene hit the ground running last night as a group of studios presented their first joint event The Triple-i Initiative, featuring world premieres and updates on up to 30 titles. We saw continuations of beloved series like Slay the Spire 2 and projects as bizarre and daring as Dinolords. But if there is one genre that we can currently associate with indie, it is undoubtedly metroidvania.

Metamorphosis Games had a very interesting one on its hands. Gestalt: Steam & Cinder is an action title inspired by 16 and 32-bit classics in which our protagonist fights with sword and gun against fantastic imaginary monsters and sci-fi robots.

At first glance there doesn't seem to be much in the way of gameplay surprises, and it's clear that the developers have taken a lot of cues from what we all loved so much about Bloodborne and Blasphemous, but we'll soon find out if this title has enough of its own presence to stand out, as it arrives on Steam on May 21st. Check out the trailer below.

Gestalt: Steam & Cinder

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