
Game Workers Unite formed to help improve developers

An effort to help organise efforts to protect those working in the games industry.

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We like to think that most people working in gaming industry are getting a fair treatment for their efforts in developing games for us to play. However, there has been a lot of evidence of this not always being the case, and so it stands to figure that an organisation focused on the specifics of the games industry would make sense.

Game Workers Unite! is stating, that they "are a currently-forming anonymous and horizontal organization of people dedicated to advocating for workers' rights and the crafting of a unionized games industry. We represent all workers in game development and we seek to increase the visibility of our cause through community building, sharing resources, and direct action. We seek to bring hope to and empower those suffering in this industry."

You can read more about Game Workers Unite! on their website, even if there's not a ton of information at this point.

Clearly, this new organisation will have to work hard to eradicate the infamous crunch...

Game Workers Unite formed to help improve developers

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