Friday the 13th: The Game

Friday the 13th: The Game welcomes you to the Salt Mines

Gun Media has found a new way to deal with poor sports.

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According to EGM Now, publisher Gun Media is introducing a new currency and a new mechanic to Friday the 13th: The Game, which will be implemented when the game gets its engine update towards the end of April. The currency is called Salt, and can be earned in one of four super-easy ways:

  • Leave a match early, like a jerk

  • Leave a match while being killed, like a big jerk

  • Leave a match as Jason, like a super jerk

  • Leave a match while hosting, like a mega jerk

Salt doesn't buy you anything cool, except a one-way express ticket to the Salt Mines, where poor sports are forced to play against each other until they have atoned for their sins. Gun Media hopes this will reduce griefing and improve the gameplay environment for everyone.

"The Salt Mines are where Salty players go to play with their equally Sodium-soaked peers. They are kept to their own matchmaking queue where Salty souls only play against other Salty game quitters, locked away from players who know that, sometimes, losing is a part of playing," the people over at Gun Media said.

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Friday the 13th: The Game

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