Telling Lies

FMV game Telling Lies is landing on consoles soon

The mysterious and innovative FMV adventure game from Sam Barlow is heading to new platforms.

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According to publisher Annapurna Interactive, FMV game Telling Lies, which was initially released on PC and iOS in 2019 August, is going to be released on more platforms - Xbox One, PS4 and Switch - in just a few days, on April 28.

As we reported last year, Telling Lies is an investigative thriller with non-linear storytelling, which revolves around a cache of secretly recorded video conversations. It's by Sam Barlow who previously made another innovative FMV game, Her Story.

Check it out below.

Telling Lies

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Telling LiesScore

Telling Lies

REVIEW. Written by Sam Bishop

"It's not easy and it's certainly not straightforward, but Barlow leaves enough clues to give you threads to follow."

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