We really liked the story in Campo Santo's Firewatch, and would have loved to have seen more of it. Well, now we will, but not in the form of a sequel.
The Hollywood Reporter has learned that the developer is teaming up with Good Universe to develop content for both video games and feature films. Their first project will be a film adaptation of Firewatch.
Sean Vanaman, one of Campo Santo's founder, had this to say about the deal:
"When we met Good Universe we were floored by how they recognise, cultivate and produce incredible stories. It's rare you meet another group that shares so many of your values and makes the process of creating things even more exciting. We can't wait to see what we make together."
That's all they can tell us at the moment. No release date, no actors, nor anything else. So let's start speculating / make a wish list. Who do you want to play Henry and Delilah, and might they surprise us with a few changes to the script?