Fire Emblem: Three Houses

Fire Emblem: Three Houses to get Lunatic difficulty after launch

Director Genki Yokota didn't reveal exactly when this hard difficulty mode would land though.

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We're just a day away from the release of Intelligent Systems' Switch RPG Fire Emblem: Three Houses, and while there's definitely going to be plenty of content in there for fans to enjoy, director Genki Yokota has revealed to Famitsu (thanks, Game Informer) that more will be coming after launch.

In this interview he said that the hardest difficulty, called Lunatic, will be coming as a post-launch update, apologising for the delay at the same time. A timeframe wasn't provided, but it should add even more hours to the game, especially with a title like that.

We recently heard that one playthrough of a house will take 80 hours alone, so Fire Emblem fans should definitely be interested in this entry. Stay tuned for our imminent review as well, as we'll be sharing our thoughts on Three Houses soon.

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Fire Emblem: Three Houses

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Fire Emblem: Three HousesScore

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

REVIEW. Written by Stefan Briesenick

"The crazy and over-the-top story will surely appeal to anime fans, especially if you spend some of your time following the narratives of the other houses."

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