With last year being all about Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth and this January finally seeing PC players join in on the fun too, you might be starting to wonder about the future of the remade trilogy and how Square Enix is getting on with Final Fantasy VII: Reverse? Reunion? Requiem? Return of the Jedi? & Knuckles? Whatever they end up calling it...
In a recent interview with 4Gamer, director Naoki Hamaguchi and producer Yoshinori Kitase was asked about just this, with the former commenting on production of the game, adding that it's progressing well and that it has been in full-scale development for nine months, with work truly starting on main development this year.
Hamaguchi stated: "We've been developing it for about nine months already. Our goal for 2024 was to solidify the game experience we were aiming for in the final title of the Remake Project trilogy, and we were able to unify the will and vision of the entire team.
"From 2025, we will enter a phase where we will steadily create the entire game under a solid policy, and development is progressing at a good pace in line with the schedule I set for myself at the beginning."
Kitase then added: "As for the story of the third work, I asked Mr. Nojima [scenario writer Kazushige Nojima] to give me a little more fulfillment as a final chapter, and I brushed it up. It was completed successfully the other day, so I think it is progressing smoothly."
Since Final Fantasy VII: Remake launched on PS4 and Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth is a PS5 console exclusive, you might be curious if Part 3 will be aiming for a PS6 debut? The pair shut this down, confirming Square Enix's plans for a wider platform launch going forward.
Hamaguchi explains: "As I said earlier, we will release future titles on a wide range of platforms so that more people can play them. I can't promise anything at this point, but we want many people to play the games we create, so we will do our best."
Which platforms do you think Final Fantasy VII: Remake - Part 3 will debut on and when do you think it will make its grand arrival?