Fallout 76

Fallout 76's Wastelanders update starts testing this week

You can sign up to get invited, although Bethesda requires you to sign an NDA before you can try the new content.

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The Wastelanders update for Fallout 76 changes the game in a major way via the arrival of NPCs, and now Bethesda has announced that testing is beginning on January 17, letting players try the new content and feedback to the studio.

Not everyone that signs up will be selected, but Bethesda hopes that"as many of our most active and experienced community members as possible have the chance to opt in for consideration".

If you're a PC player and want to be up for consideration, sign up here before 18:00 ET (23:00 GMT, 00:00 CET) today.

Players will need to complete a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) before playing, meaning none of the content can be shared, and this server will only be available for Wastelanders, separated from the other test servers.

An end date hasn't been confirmed yet, but with Wastelanders an anticipated update for Fallout 76 players it'll be good news to hear that testing will begin shortly, especially since NPCs are the "number one most-requested feature".

Are you excited for the update?

Fallout 76

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