Everyone is different, or so they say. But few men could resist, given time, a shovel and a marked spot on the ground, not to start digging a hole right there and then, and keep digging until they run out of strength (or beer). You might think I'm crazy, but there's a developer who has thought of people like me and developed A Game About Digging A Hole, an indie game that delivers exactly what it promises. Check out the trailer below.
In just two weeks, a developer from Cybervawe (Solarpunk) in his spare time wrote the full code for this game, which is coming to Steam on 7 February for £3.99/€4.99. As well as closing the straight-line distance to China through the Earth's core, you'll be able to uncover buried secrets and hoard useful materials and treasures to upgrade your excavation equipment.
If A Game About Digging A Hole sounds good to you, you can add it to your Steam wishlist here.