
EA thinks Nintendo has finally listened to third-party devs

"Switch will put Nintendo at the forefront of the game industry once again."

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EA recently underlined their renewed commitment to Nintendo, with executive vice-president Patrick Söderlund making an appearance during the Nintendo Switch reveal in Tokyo on January 13th, and now the man from EA has more to say about Nintendo.

According to Nintendo Everything the big N has listened more closely to third-party developers like EA and Activision. Söderlund says that they have been involved in Switch's development from the start:

"I think Nintendo Switch will put Nintendo at the forefront of the game industry once again," he said. "Their approach is quite different from anything they've done in the past - they've listened to EA, Activision, and other companies since the beginning of the Switch's development, so we've been involved throughout the whole process. They teamed up with us because they wanted to guarantee the console would be successful."

This is of course great news for gamers, who will no doubt want to see more third-party titles on Nintendo Switch after the lack of titles on Wii U, especially towards the end. Time will tell what will come from Nintendo's new approach to third-party support.

At the time of writing, EA has confirmed that FIFA will be making its way to the handheld-console hybrid, but no other games have been confirmed by the publisher.

EA thinks Nintendo has finally listened to third-party devs

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