
Dragon Ball theme park gets brand new look of the full map

See the full map of the Dragon Ball theme park planned for Saudi Arabia.

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Last year, Saudi Arabia announced its next big theme park, as part of their initiatives to invest public money into tourist attractions aiming for international visitors (and a way to clean their international image). We honestly don't know if Dragon Ball is very popular in the Middle-East, but it doesn't matter: they're the ones who have seemingly unlimited money to spend in a huge them park based on the anime created by Akira Toriyama.

Proof of that is Falcon's Flight, the roller coaster that will break all possible records (and is already fully built). And after Six Flags Qiddiya, opening this year, Dragon Ball is next in line.

Last year we showed you the first images of the park. Today, we can show you a never before seen image, a render showing the full layout of the park, spotted by theme park enthusiast Wallin Ballin, apparently found on the LinkedIn page of their constructors.

This is almost like a map of the park, and while technically is still concept art and the final design may differ, fans can already check which attractions they'll find, including roller-coasters, although it seems most attractions will be indoor... which makes sense, given that the park will be in the middle of the desert.

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Dragon Ball theme park gets brand new look of the full map

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