Dota 2

Dota 2 ends the year with a 65,000 cheater and smurf ban wave

An early Christmas gift to us all.

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Dota 2 is bringing the year to a close with a new Frostivus event. While this event doesn't come around every winter, this year Valve has graced us with its presence, including new cosmetics in a lovely set of Frostivus hats for all the heroes, a new Frostivus-themed story to play through, and a massive wave of bans for cheaters and smurfs.

In a new blog post, Valve announced they'd taken down more than 65,000 accounts they'd found to be actively cheating or smurfing. There will still be cheaters and smurfs out there, but at least significant work is being done to stop them.

That's not the only gift Dota 2 is dishing out this holiday season, as you'll also be able to unlock new hero skins via the new Winter 2024 Heroes' Hoard, and craft items in the Frostivus Forge. If you've also not yet checked out the Crownfall story, there's a sale on granting you access to all of it.

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