Doom Eternal

Doom Eternal was finished by a lot more gamers than Doom (2016)

No exact figures have been shared, however.

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It is widely known that most games are never finished. This is because of a lot of reasons like how long it is, competition that steals attention and, of course, how good the game actually is. One could also imagine that very hard games will have a lower percentage. But this doesn't have to be true.

Speaking with PC Gamer, Director Hugo Martin had an interesting nugget to share as he says the completion rate for the notoriously difficult Doom Eternal is actually "much higher" compared to the Doom reboot from 2016. No numbers or other details were shared, but it seems like people really like the game.

This bodes well for the second Doom Eternal expansion The Ancient Gods Part II, which launches today and concludes the Doom Slayer saga. Are you amongst the brave who played through Doom Eternal?

Doom Eternal

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