Donkey Kong Country Returns HD

Donkey Kong Country Returns HD: A guide to 200% completion of the game

Do you nostalgically remember when Rare used to make you go for more than 100% of DKC on the SNES? Well, getting 200% here is a gorillous challenge.

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Yes, you already know that Donkey Kong Country Returns HD for Switch is a very, very difficult game as it is. That Nintendo introduced a "Modern Mode" to it back on the 3DS so that most everyday people could play it is evidence enough. But you, hardcore gamer, did you know that there's a mode even harder than "Original Mode", and that to get 200% you're going to sweat it out, in case you haven't already lost several pounds, Joy-Cons and handfuls of hair? Welcome to the guide to completing 200% of DKCRHD.

You may be coming to this guide for a different reason. Maybe you're not feeling heroic enough to attempt the megalithic feat of 200%, but you're chasing 100% and you're having doubts because you don't know what it really takes for each milestone, as there's a lot of confusing, contradictory and downright wrong information about it on the internet. We are here to resolve all that.

Donkey Kong Country Returns HD

What does it take to complete Donkey Kong Country Returns HD to 100%?

If your main goal is to reach 100%, you can leave puzzle pieces behind along the way - that's OK, because puzzle pieces don't count towards 100%. What you can't leave behind are KONG letters, which in turn will help you to open the last secret world when you clear the K levels. In other words, you can follow our step-by-step guide to unlock World 9: Cloud and you'll be very close to 100%.

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Once you've unlocked the Golden Temple, all that's left to do is teleport to the Cloud and clear all nine levels. Again, you don't need to collect all the puzzle pieces along the way, although it's always advisable when it comes to tricky levels so that you don't have to suffer through them all over again.

If you have all the KONG letters from worlds 1 to 8, then you have unlocked all the K levels, and if you have cleared all eight K levels, then you have obtained the rare spheres for the Golden Temple. If you finally beat all nine levels of world 9, you will have completed Donkey Kong Country Returns HD.

How to beat level 9-9: Golden Temple

Cloud's last level is the hardest in World 9 by far, but here's how to beat it at full speed. Press play:

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What does it take to complete Donkey Kong Country Returns HD at 200%?

As you can see in the video, as soon as you beat level 9-9 Donkey Kong gets a unique item in the game: the magic mirror. The game then prompts you with the following message:

"You can now play any level in mirror mode!"

Right here starts the hardest challenge of the whole game. To get 200% you must:

  1. Get all the missing puzzle pieces in Original Mode.

  2. Complete all 80 levels again in Mirror Mode.

  3. Collect all the puzzle pieces in Mirror Mode

Then, and only then, will you have completed DKCRHD to 200%.

Why is Donkey Kong Country Returns HD's Mirror Mode so difficult?

The same message above makes it clear what you're in for:

"In this mode, Donkey Kong will not receive any help from his friend Diddy Kong, nor will he be able to use items. And, to make the challenge even greater, he'll have one less heart - good luck!"

Well there you have it. No Cranky Kong assists, no hovering with Diddy or taking advantage of his extra hits. And if the game was already too harsh with only two hearts, now you're always a single hit from death. Buff!

What do you get for completing Donkey Kong Country Returns HD's Mirror Mode?

Rare Achievement Unlocked: Just kidding, there's no such thing on Switch! If you manage to complete DKCRHD at 200%, the reward is that it unlocks the last 8 concept artworks for the image gallery in the Extras menu. Now there's nothing left for you to do in this adventure, but what a ride it's been!

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