Microsoft's and Sony's online stores have become a prime source for reveals of release dates way before anything official has been confirmed, and now this has happened yet again. On the Xbox Store for Dolmeb, you can now see the release date May 20 this year. As this is a Friday and clearly not a placeholder - we'd say chances are pretty good it's accurate.
Dolmen is a sci-fi adventure, which offers co-op for up to four players. Besides Xbox, it is also coming to both PC and PlayStation. Below is a trailer, selected images as well as the official synopsis for Dolmen.
"Dolmen casts players onto a hostile alien world known as Revion Prime. Your job? Bring back samples of a crystal with particularly unique properties; the so-called "Dolmen". These crystals are capable of allowing interaction between realities, revolutionizing space exploration and changing the known world forever."