
Disintegration getting beta tests this month

The closed beta will be running at the end of the month, followed by an open beta showing off two game modes.

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V1 Interactive's Disintegration is getting a closed beta test very soon, as the first test is running on January 28 from 08:00 PT (16:00 GMT, 17:00 CET) to 11:59 PT (19:59 GMT, 20:59 CET), with a second test running the next day at the same time.

This will be happening on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with an open beta running from January 31 to February 1 as well, also on the same platforms. Both will let players test two of the three multiplayer games modes in the full release.

Retrieval is a mode that sees teams attempt to deliver a payload carried by the ground crew, while the other team defends. Control, however, sees players fight for capture points in the map, with the ground crew getting points in the zones.

In the beta players can try seven of the unique crews, and the purpose of this test is to ensure stability and collect feedback ahead of the launch later this year.

For more on the beta and to sign up, head this way. Are you eager to get involved?


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REVIEW. Written by Ben Lyons

"You can clearly feel the influence of Halo and, with a little refinement, Disintegration could grow to be outstanding."

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