Battlefield 1

DICE sheds more light on the future of Battlefield 1

Monthly updates will begin to drop starting in May.

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In a post on the official Battlefield blog DICE has shared some more intel on the future of Battlefield 1.

DICE will deliver monthly updates instead of just bringing something new in every three months like they have been doing in the past. The idea is to get more feedback from the community, and fix problems faster.

The spring update is fast approaching, and it will bring Platoons into the game. This will make it easier for players to form groups. No release date was given, but it is reasonable to assume it will drop before the monthly updates start in May. Operations will be tweaked, and it will be the actual "meat" of the upcoming May update.

The next paid DLC is called Battlefield 1: In The Name of the Tsar, and its set on the Eastern front.

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Battlefield 1

REVIEW. Written by Oliver Thulin

"You can spot elements of the best parts of almost every Battlefield title in there, and when it's at its best it feels better than ever."

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