Dark Souls III's last DLC, Ringed City, has received seven new screenshots via Facebook, each one with a description next to it. We've included both the pictures and descriptions below, but be warned: there are story spoilers ahead.
A Dragon that breathes fire. As it sinks into the darkness, black crystals that appear on its body fly into the air. At last, the dragon may be consumed by the darkness...
An ancient city that has sunken under darkness. Many things have sunken, but at the same time, many have arose.
A Ringed Knight, who is one of the old knights. The withered sword, which was sealed by the Gods in the past, seems to have regained its past appearance.
A knight covered in heavy armor whom you encounter at Dreg Heap.
If trusting his words, the knight has become a hollow who has lost his memory. The knight seems to continue his journey in order to gain back his forgotten memory.
A gray giant who appears to wear the old judicator clothes. Raising its hands up in the air, the giant is shouting towards the ceiling. Seems it's calling someone far up in the sky.
An ancient weapon with demented, tangled remains. The Mad King still lives inside and when the King awakens, it emits the power to protect the master. Though the King could be whimsical.
The Chaos Fire itself is a curved sword as it transforms into a sword shape. It could be a weapon to be used as a sword or simultaneously, as pyromancy.
What do you think of these descriptions: annoyingly vague, or tantalisingly mysterious?