Horizon Forbidden West

Dark Horse Direct is selling a $1000 Horizon Forbidden West statue

It depicts Aloy riding a Clawstrider.

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If you really (and I mean really) love Horizon Forbidden West and want to get a piece of gear that proves your interest in the title, Dark Horse Direct has precisely what you're no doubt looking for.

The collectible manufacturer has teamed up with Guerrilla to create a limited number of a 1:9 sized statue that depicts Aloy riding on a Clawstrider. The statue is absurdly detailed and does look absolutely awesome, but there's a reason for that.

The statue is both highly limited with only 500 total units being made and is also crazy expensive and clocking in at $999, with a current deal being offered that brings its price down to $899. Granted if that price doesn't phase you, you can look forward to getting a statue that stands 26 inches tall, 28 inches in length, and 18 inches in width, all with a weight of almost 23 kilograms. Needless to say, it's a big boy.

The statue is looking to ship anywhere between January and March 2025, and you can see more about it over here.

Horizon Forbidden West

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