Creature in the Well

Creature in the Well releasing on September 6

The game was highlighted as a Switch indie on Monday, but it's coming to PC and Xbox One next month as well.

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Flight School's Creature in the Well was part of the plethora of games featured during Nintendo's Indie World presentation on Monday, and now the developer has revealed that the game will be coming to PC (via Steam) and Xbox One on the same day as the Switch version - September 6.

This also comes as a free day one title for Xbox Game Pass owners on both PC and Xbox One, although you can also pre-purchase it for £13.49 ($14.99 USD, €14.99), with a 10% discount.

If you're at Gamescom you can find Creature in the Well at the Xbox booth, although it'll also be at the Indie Megabooth at PAX West, both of which will show off the fusion between pinball and top-down hack and slash dungeon crawling.

"As the last remaining BOT-C unit, venture deep into a desert mountain to restore power to an ancient facility, haunted by a desperate Creature. Uncover and upgrade powerful gear in order to free the city of Mirage from a deadly sandstorm," the official description reads.

If this concept confuses you, take a look at the new 101 trailer below for some clarity, as well as our own gameplay from E3 earlier in the summer (we even have a hands-on preview as well).

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Creature in the Well

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Creature in the WellScore

Creature in the Well

REVIEW. Written by Lisa Dahlgren

"The freedom you have regarding exploration and problem solving as a player makes the game more than just a dungeon crawler."

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